Sunday, November 25, 2018

Medical Alarm

Did you have parent or grandparent that sometimes being left at home alone? Or they go out from the house and suddenly need medical help? You need this gadget for them. Yes it's a medical alarm.

A medical alarm is an alarm system designed to signal the presence of a hazard requiring urgent attention and to summon emergency medical personnel by the provider. Typical systems have a wireless pendant or transmitter that can be activated in an emergency.

One of the provider is Brickhouse Alert. There were 2 products of medical alarm : One is for in the home and has a FALL ALERT detector that alerts emergency personnel that they have fallen and can't even push a button.

The other product is a GPS Tracking Bracelet with 2-way speakerphone so they can use it like a cell phone and call for help, or the wearer can be found in cases of wandering due to Alzheimers. The GPS service has cover up almost every part of the the world.

So don't wait anymore, get your medical alarm right away. For details please visit:

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