Wednesday, January 16, 2019

21 Crazy Sex Facts

  1. According to the Kinsey Institute, the biggest erect penis on record measures 13 inches. The smallest tops off at 1 3/4 inches.
  2. The most common fantasy is oral sex.
  3. 8% of us have regular anal sex.
  4. 60% of men and 54% of women have had a 1-night stand.
  5. Women buy 4 out of every 10 condoms sold.
  6. In 1609, a doctor named Wecker found a corpse in with two penises. Since then, there have been eighty documented cases of men similarly endowed.
  7. Men say the average erect penis is 10″. Women say it’s 4″.
  8. A female orgasm is a powerful painkiller (because of the release of endorphins), so headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex.
  9. 56% of men have had sex at work.
  10. Among the Mangaians of Polynesia, 18-year-old couples make love an average of three times a night, every night, until their thirties, when the weekly average drops to a mere 14.
  11. 1 in 3 of us have had an extramarital affair.
  12. 62% think there is nothing wrong with affairs.
  13. The maximum speed at which erotic sensations travel from skin to brain has been clocked at 156 miles per hour.
  14. A honeymooning couple are suing Holiday Inn for ten thousand dollars, claiming their sex life is now dysfunction because an employee mistakenly walked in on them on their wedding night.
  15. At least 500 Americans die each year from asphyxia in an attempt to lessen oxygen flow to the brain in order to induce a more powerful orgasm.
  16. England’s King Edward VII, a man of considerable heft, had a special table built so that he could comfortably engage in sexual intercourse.
  17. 29% of us are virgins when we marry.
  18. The average sexual experience lasts about 39 minutes.
  19. 58% like dirty talk during sex.
  20. 22% rent porno flicks at least once.
  21. Given today’s average frequency of sexual intercourse, it would take the typical American couple more than four years to try every one of the 529 positions described in the Kama Sutra.

Aselinya dari sini

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